The European Film Academy takes its prestigious awards ceremony to the historic city of Athens, Greece, in a move that promises to elevate the event's global prominence.
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Athens was selected as the host city after a competitive bidding process, beating out other European cultural hubs vying for the opportunity to welcome Europe's top filmmaking talent.
The January 2027 ceremony will mark the first time the European Film Awards have been held in Greece, offering a chance to spotlight the country's vibrant cinematic landscape to an international audience.
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European Film Academy, European Film Awards, 39th European Film Awards
The European Film Academy takes its prestigious awards ceremony to the historic city of Athens, Greece, in a move that promises to elevate the event's global prominence.
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Athens was selected as the host city after a competitive bidding process, beating out other European cultural hubs vying for the opportunity to welcome Europe's top filmmaking talent.
The January 2027 ceremony will mark the first time the European Film Awards have been held in Greece, offering a chance to spotlight the country's vibrant cinematic landscape to an international audience.
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European Film Academy, European Film Awards, 39th European Film Awards