Renowned filmmaker Jane Campion champions rising Italian director Maura Delpero's World War II-set 'Vermiglio' as it vies for international film glory.
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Delpero's intimate period drama explores the disruption caused by a soldier's arrival in an Alpine village and the dynamics between three sisters.
With Oscar voting now open, Campion's public backing could give 'Vermiglio' a major boost in the race for the international film category.
Renowned filmmaker Jane Campion champions rising Italian director Maura Delpero's World War II-set 'Vermiglio' as it vies for international film glory.
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Delpero's intimate period drama explores the disruption caused by a soldier's arrival in an Alpine village and the dynamics between three sisters.
With Oscar voting now open, Campion's public backing could give 'Vermiglio' a major boost in the race for the international film category.