Beloved sitcom creator Bill Lawrence set to receive top comedy honor from the Writers Guild of America East.
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Lawrence, the mastermind behind hits like 'Scrubs' and 'Ted Lasso', will be awarded the prestigious Herb Sargent Award for Comedy Excellence next month.
The award, named after the legendary 'Saturday Night Live' writer and WGAE president, is a major career milestone for the prolific showrunner.
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Bill Lawrence, Writers Guild of America East, Saturday Night Live, Scrubs, Ted Lasso
Beloved sitcom creator Bill Lawrence set to receive top comedy honor from the Writers Guild of America East.
beat sheet
Lawrence, the mastermind behind hits like 'Scrubs' and 'Ted Lasso', will be awarded the prestigious Herb Sargent Award for Comedy Excellence next month.
The award, named after the legendary 'Saturday Night Live' writer and WGAE president, is a major career milestone for the prolific showrunner.
call sheet
Bill Lawrence, Writers Guild of America East, Saturday Night Live, Scrubs, Ted Lasso