Beloved comedy legend Billy Crystal heartbroken as raging LA wildfires destroy his longtime home, underscoring the scale of devastation across the region.
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In a rare emotional moment, Crystal shared his pain, saying 'I'm still in shock. That house held so many memories - family celebrations, laughs with friends. It's gone, just like that.'
Industry insiders fear the LA fires could disrupt film/TV production across the city, with several studios and sound stages reportedly damaged, sparking concerns about delays and lost revenue.
Beloved comedy legend Billy Crystal heartbroken as raging LA wildfires destroy his longtime home, underscoring the scale of devastation across the region.
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In a rare emotional moment, Crystal shared his pain, saying 'I'm still in shock. That house held so many memories - family celebrations, laughs with friends. It's gone, just like that.'
Industry insiders fear the LA fires could disrupt film/TV production across the city, with several studios and sound stages reportedly damaged, sparking concerns about delays and lost revenue.