A black-and-white Cuban drama explores the personal and national impact of exile, as three sets of characters grapple with their country's complex past and uncertain future.
beat sheet
Director Tommaso Santambrogio's film features a lush, velvety visual style that 'you can almost feel the texture of each shot through the screen'.
The story follows three sets of characters in the town of San Antonio De Los Baños as they confront how 'the dark shadow of exile colors the past, present, and future of themselves and their country'.
call sheet
Tommaso Santambrogio, Alain Alain Alfonso González, Frank Ernesto Lam, Milagros Llanes Martínez, Oceans Are the Real Continents
A black-and-white Cuban drama explores the personal and national impact of exile, as three sets of characters grapple with their country's complex past and uncertain future.
beat sheet
Director Tommaso Santambrogio's film features a lush, velvety visual style that 'you can almost feel the texture of each shot through the screen'.
The story follows three sets of characters in the town of San Antonio De Los Baños as they confront how 'the dark shadow of exile colors the past, present, and future of themselves and their country'.
call sheet
Tommaso Santambrogio, Alain Alain Alfonso González, Frank Ernesto Lam, Milagros Llanes Martínez, Oceans Are the Real Continents