Disney+ docuseries follows Caroline Flack's mother as she searches for answers behind the British TV star's shocking final months and tragic suicide.
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The documentary will feature firsthand testimony from Caroline Flack's family and friends as her mother, Christine, embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about the circumstances leading to her daughter's death.
Curious Films, the production company behind the 2021 doc 'Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death,' will produce the new project, which is set to premiere on Disney+ in 2025.
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Caroline Flack, Christine Flack, Lewis Burton, Disney+, Curious Films, 'Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death', 'Caroline'
Disney+ docuseries follows Caroline Flack's mother as she searches for answers behind the British TV star's shocking final months and tragic suicide.
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The documentary will feature firsthand testimony from Caroline Flack's family and friends as her mother, Christine, embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about the circumstances leading to her daughter's death.
Curious Films, the production company behind the 2021 doc 'Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death,' will produce the new project, which is set to premiere on Disney+ in 2025.
call sheet
Caroline Flack, Christine Flack, Lewis Burton, Disney+, Curious Films, 'Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death', 'Caroline'