The disastrous 2005 Marvel spin-off that set back superhero movies, and the lessons Hollywood learned from its spectacular failure.
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The spin-off was Elektra, starring Jennifer Garner as the titular assassin - it bombed hard, making just $57 million on a $43 million budget.
Industry insiders say Elektra's downfall showed studios that audiences wouldn't show up for poorly-received superhero side characters, paving the way for more thoughtful origin stories and ensemble films.
The disastrous 2005 Marvel spin-off that set back superhero movies, and the lessons Hollywood learned from its spectacular failure.
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The spin-off was Elektra, starring Jennifer Garner as the titular assassin - it bombed hard, making just $57 million on a $43 million budget.
Industry insiders say Elektra's downfall showed studios that audiences wouldn't show up for poorly-received superhero side characters, paving the way for more thoughtful origin stories and ensemble films.