Marvel's animated anthology series 'What If' serves up a thrilling season finale packed with unexpected twists, epic battles, and emotional gut-punches across its wildly imaginative alternate realities.
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The Hulk faces off against a team of Mecha Avengers in a jaw-dropping showdown that blends superhero action with mecha anime stylings.
Captain Carter makes the ultimate sacrifice, giving her life to save the world in a poignant, character-defining moment that has fans reaching for the tissues.
Marvel's animated anthology series 'What If' serves up a thrilling season finale packed with unexpected twists, epic battles, and emotional gut-punches across its wildly imaginative alternate realities.
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The Hulk faces off against a team of Mecha Avengers in a jaw-dropping showdown that blends superhero action with mecha anime stylings.
Captain Carter makes the ultimate sacrifice, giving her life to save the world in a poignant, character-defining moment that has fans reaching for the tissues.