An Oscar-shortlisted documentary follows Ukrainian kids grappling with the realities of war in their war-torn homeland.
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The film, 'Once Upon a Time in Ukraine,' is directed by acclaimed documentarians Betsy West and Julie Cohen, known for their work on 'RBG' and 'My Name is Pauli Murray'.
The film's 8-year-old protagonist, Ruslan, fishes in a man-made pool, a stark symbol of the war's devastating impact on daily life in Ukraine.
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Betsy West, Julie Cohen, RBG, My Name is Pauli Murray, Once Upon a Time in Ukraine
An Oscar-shortlisted documentary follows Ukrainian kids grappling with the realities of war in their war-torn homeland.
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The film, 'Once Upon a Time in Ukraine,' is directed by acclaimed documentarians Betsy West and Julie Cohen, known for their work on 'RBG' and 'My Name is Pauli Murray'.
The film's 8-year-old protagonist, Ruslan, fishes in a man-made pool, a stark symbol of the war's devastating impact on daily life in Ukraine.
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Betsy West, Julie Cohen, RBG, My Name is Pauli Murray, Once Upon a Time in Ukraine