Marvel's new animated Spider-Man series explores an alternate timeline where Peter Parker's mentor is Norman Osborn instead of Tony Stark, shaking up the MCU's established continuity.
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The show's producer reveals that in this new timeline, Peter never meets Ned or MJ, major supporting characters in the MCU's Spider-Man saga, opening the door for new relationships and storylines.
The series will also feature classic Spider-Man villains like Chameleon and Scorpion, who wouldn't have fit into the MCU's established timeline, giving fans a fresh take on the web-slinger's rogues gallery.
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Brad Winderbaum, Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt, Jeff Trammell, Colman Domingo, Hudson Thames, Marvel Television, Marvel, Disney+, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Marvel's new animated Spider-Man series explores an alternate timeline where Peter Parker's mentor is Norman Osborn instead of Tony Stark, shaking up the MCU's established continuity.
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The show's producer reveals that in this new timeline, Peter never meets Ned or MJ, major supporting characters in the MCU's Spider-Man saga, opening the door for new relationships and storylines.
The series will also feature classic Spider-Man villains like Chameleon and Scorpion, who wouldn't have fit into the MCU's established timeline, giving fans a fresh take on the web-slinger's rogues gallery.
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Brad Winderbaum, Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt, Jeff Trammell, Colman Domingo, Hudson Thames, Marvel Television, Marvel, Disney+, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man